First off I love a good sports documentary and will be checking that one out soon. I have moved 6 times, all solo and each time it hit me that when you are going through new things or big things is when you need the most support because new challenges come with it. It’s interesting that people want to be around when there are evident struggles and that’s actually the time that the least change is going on. For example, when I was unemployed everyone checked on me a lot and I’m like nothing to see here lol things moved slow to find a new job. But when I’ve moved, started new jobs, etc. I don’t get checked on as much and that is when I’m going through the most changes, challenges, imposter syndrome, financial hits. I guess it’s the drama of it all. The average person loves the drama or hard times while during the good times or new seasons people assume life is good. Okay, now I’m gonna go read the previous post. 🤎

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Objectively, your life will improve - a lot - over time, but how you feel about it may not. This is because this improvement ushers in a new life, and its problems, though new and "better", can cause the same amount of worry as old ones.

You can have it all, but then you won't, because the costs could steal the joy of having. But we should want to have; we should want to move up the ladder, because we change as we do, too, and this changes makes us people who can handle these new problems - and the many others - that will come with growth.

Good thoughts in here, Amanda. Thank you.

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I loved reading this. We think when we finally get that thing we’ve been longing for, every single thing will fall into place. But new problems always come up. Reading your newsletter reminded me of a journal entry I wrote about getting what you want. I had to dig up my old journal to find it. I wrote: “Even if it’s something you really want, all things come with their issues. It’s life. New season, new problems. […] but with each problem I work through, I grow and become a better person.”

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I appreciate the love! Yes, life has a funny way of challenging us every time we get too comfortable. Love what you wrote "new season, new problems," so accurate.

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